UI UX Designer Portfolios
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3D | AR | VR Tools
Accessibility Tools
Animation Tools
Collaborations Tools
Colors & Gradients
Design Games
Design Inspirations
Design Systems
Device Mockups
Figma Widgets
Fonts | Typography
Stock Photos
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Prototyping Tools
UI Marketplaces
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A platform for developing people’s creativity through the unique interactive approach of AR drawing, photo editing, and gamification.
The most accessible 3D and Augmented Reality design platform all in the browser.
Spark AR
Create and share augmented reality experiences that reach the billions of people using the Facebook family of apps and devices.
A global web-community and marketplace to build, sell and support the best AR/MR projects together.
Simple and intuitive tool to help you quickly choose accessible colors sets.
Easy and quick tool to test color accessibility for various color blind conditions.
Simple tool for checking color contrast and a huge resource of web accessibility.
Helps you find the contrast ratio and also can suggest you good contrast alternatives.
Import from Figma, Sketch ,etc and start creating amazing motion design with a subtle learning curve.
An animation tool built right in Figma to make animation easier and convenient.
Rive App
A real-time interactive design tool that allows you to design, animate, and integrate.
An ultimate SVG animation platform - animate illustrations, logos, icons, and more with no coding.
Design Better
Amazing library of free ebooks on the practices that propel the best design teams forward.
Good Books
Discover the best design books recommended by the world's most successful and interesting people.
Lapa Books
Free Essential Books for Unicorn Designers to help you develop creative and design skills.
One platform to streamline all workflows Experience the freedom to build, connect, automate, and scale your work with Wrike.
Aww App
A Web Whiteboard is a touch-friendly online whiteboard app that makes drawing, collaboration and sharing easy.
Communicate your designs like never before. Create interactive user flow diagrams that tell a story.
Whiteboard together, even while apart. Visual communication that feels second-nature.
Colors LoL
A good collection of palettes with overly descriptive color names.
A super fast color schemes generator! Create the perfect palette or get inspired by thousands of beautiful color schemes.
An amazing collection of multicolor gradients along with CSS code and JPG download.
Happy Hues
A color palette inspiration along with real time example as to how the colors could be used in your design projects.
Can't Unsee
Can't Unsee is a simple design game where you test your design knowledge by choosing the right iteration of the Design.
It's Centred That
Fun and addictive game where you guess whether or not a dot is in the center of a shape.
Being a designer here is a super fun way to test how well you know pixels.
A fun way to learn how to use boolean operations in vector design tools.
Mobile Inspirations
A huge collection of design inspiration sorted by meanigful categories.
Mobile Inspirations|Web Inspirations
The world’s best community for creatives to share, grow, and get hired.
Hand-picked collection of the latest mobile design patterns from apps that reflect the best in design.
A hand-picked collection of the finest app store design screenshots.
By Adobe. Spectrum provides components and tools to help product teams work more efficiently, and to make Adobe’s applications more cohesive.
By Atlassian. Design language to create simple, intuitive and beautiful experiences.
By Microsoft. Fluent is an open-source, cross-platform design system that gives designers and developers the frameworks they need to create engaging product experiences—accessibility, internationalization, and performance included.
Material Design
By Google. Material is a design system – backed by open-source code – that helps teams build high-quality digital experiences.
Angle Mockups
A huge collection of 3100 vector and 3D device mockups for Sketch, Figma and XD.
UI Store Design
An amazing collection of 52 free mockups design resources.
Mockup generator to showcase your app in 2D or 3D along with motion animations.
Mockups for Free
A huge collection of free mockups of different categories of items.
Your favorite word guessing game made into a widget!
lil chat
Fun and simple way to have quick chat with your teammates directly on the figma canvas and also have a history of it.
Play Tic-Tac-Toe the FigJam way with 2 or more players! The rules of the game are simple: be the first to get 3 in a row to win. The game dynamic really changes when you add more than two players!
Rock Paper Scissors
Play Rock Paper Scissors with your friends in Figma!
Google Fonts
An amazing collection of beautiful, fast, and open web fonts.
Fonts LoL
The first type foundry dedicated to creating high-quality color fonts. Typing with full-color illustrated letters is now a reality!
Font Pairings
Interactive tool to check typefaces and font pairings with real world design examples.
What Font Is
An amazing tool to help you find any font from any image within their collection of 700K+ fonts.
Image Finder
A search engine that crawls and displays images licensed under Creative Commons from various stock image sites.
The internet’s source of freely-usable images. Powered by creators everywhere.
Over 1.9 million+ high quality stock images, videos and music shared by our talented community.
The best free stock photos & videos shared by talented creators.
A catalog of thousands of free, high-quality videos that have been downloaded more than 5 million times and are viewed 1.1 million times each month.
One of the largest video communities in the world with a growing collection of high-quality free footages.
The best free stock videos shared by the Pexels community.
Extraordinary Free Stock Video Footage for you to use in your next video project, for free!
Icon Finder
Freemium Icons
A huge collection of high-quality icons to millions of creative professionals.
Noun Project
An amazing list of handpicked icons that unites it as a global visual language.
An amazing collection of icons in 36 styles to keep your project clean and consistent.
Handcrafted line icons for modern user interfaces of web, android, iOS, and desktop app projects.
Fruto 3D
3D Illustrations
Cool 3D collection kits of social media icons, kitchen, and a lot more by a 3D artist named Fruto.
UXMarker - 3D Icons
A set of beautiful looking 3D icons that is available as a part of the Figma community.
BAM - 3D Kit
Colourful set of 3D icon kit with a toy like finish that is free to use.
Iconshock - 3D Icons
A huge collection of 1250 3D icons in a toy-like finishing.
Icons 4 Design
Adobe Xd Plugins
Collection of 5000+ free high-quality icons.
Design thinking framework templates to remotely collaborate.
Use real or random data to create popular chart designs.
Create amazing animation with timeline and export to web.
Google Design
Explores the career journeys of designers at Google working in diverse creative disciplines.
NN/g UX Podcast
A monthly show on user experience research, design, strategy, and professions.
Uncovering insights from the world’s top designers and creatives.
A show that explores the interesting overlap between design, marketing, and business.
Invision Studio
A rapid prototyping tool with amazing animation capabilities and also packed with a lot of other cool Invision collaboration tools.
Marvel App
Rapid prototyping, testing and handoff for modern design teams along with great collaboration features.
A Mac app to create interactive and animated prototypes of their app designs.
An easy tool to design animated and interactive user interfaces that look and feel amazing.
Huge collection of best of design & development inspiration, resources and freebies.
Visual Hierarchy
A great selection of UI kits to get you started on prototypes and other design prototyping activities.
Curated digital marketplace with a growing library of high-quality UX/UI design resources and freebies for designers.
Curated collection of interface assets for designers and startup creatives.
Other Utilities
A quick go to free online photo editor lets you edit photos, apply effects, filters, add text, crop or resize pictures.
Image Compressor
Free tools to compress your PNG/JPG files by up to 80% and retain full transparency.
UX Project Checklist
An interactive checklist with all steps involved in the work of a UX Designer.
The best place to keep all your favorite books, songs, articles or whatever else you come across while browsing.