UI UX Designer Portfolios
Free Design Tools
3D | AR | VR Tools
Accessibility Tools
Animation Tools
Collaborations Tools
Colors & Gradients
Design Games
Design Inspirations
Design Systems
Device Mockups
Figma Widgets
Fonts | Typography
Stock Photos
Stock Videos
Prototyping Tools
UI Marketplaces
Useful Utilities
YouTube Videos
Your favorite word guessing game made into a widget!
lil chat
Fun and simple way to have quick chat with your teammates directly on the figma canvas and also have a history of it.
Play Tic-Tac-Toe the FigJam way with 2 or more players! The rules of the game are simple: be the first to get 3 in a row to win. The game dynamic really changes when you add more than two players!
Rock Paper Scissors
Play Rock Paper Scissors with your friends in Figma!
Photo Booth
Say cheese! Take memorable team selfies. Use this widget for the ice breaker portion of a brainstorming session or whatever your creativity takes you.
Flippy Bird
Play this super addictive Flappy Bird-like game in FigJam. Starring Flippy - the unofficial Figma mascot!<br>Challenge your friends and see who can reach the top of the leaderboard!
Tetris Party
Play Tetris with your friends at Figma!
Voice Memo
Record and share audio notes for teammates with the voice memo widget. You can record up to 30 seconds of audio and a title to the recording for more context.
Sticky Note
Quick sticky note widget for your Figma design files. Lets you add simple quick notes with different colors to your figma canvas.
Play the classic game with a friend or against a bot!
lil todo
Lets you quickly add a to-do list for yourself or for your teammates on your figma design file.
Lets you create, manage and display tabular data. You can also import data from Google Sheets or an CSV file.